Tag Archives: English

B16 in Benin

Apostolic Journey to Benin
(November 18-20, 2011)

on the occasion of the signing and publication
of the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation
of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops


The roots and wings we receive from the Church

Benedict 16, 19.10.2011

“According to a saying attributed to a great poet from my own country, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, there are two things that children should receive from their parents: roots and wings. From our holy Mother, the Church, we too receive both roots and wings: the faith of the Apostles, handed down from generation to generation, and the grace of the Holy Spirit, conveyed above all through the sacraments of the Church”

B16 Germany 22-25/09/11

JMJ Madrid 2011: textos // texts

Fuente: http://www.vatican.va/holy_father/benedict_xvi/travels/2011/index_madrid_sp.htm

GMG Madrid 2011

  • Galería fotográfica

  • Rueda de prensa durante el vuelo hacia Madrid (18 de agosto de 2011)
    [Alemán, Español, Francés, Inglés, Italiano, Polaco, Portugués]